Seo_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404() Seo_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type) Find an engine. Parameters string $type
Seo_Shortcuts_GetBackendOr404() Seo_Shortcuts_GetBackendOr404(string $id) : \Seo_Backend Find a backend Parameters string $id Throws \Pluf_HTTP_Error404 Returns \Seo_Backend
Seo_Shortcuts_CleanUrl() Seo_Shortcuts_CleanUrl(string $url) : string Checks given URL to be unique and not registered before. It is used in the forms. Parameters string $url Throws \Pluf\Exception Returns string
Seo_Shortcuts_GetSeoContentByUrlOr404() Seo_Shortcuts_GetSeoContentByUrlOr404( $url) : \ArrayObject Get content based on name Parameters $url Throws \Pluf_Exception_DoesNotExist Returns \ArrayObject