$locale_folder :
Folder in which the locale file are available.
Localization class.
The localization of the code is performed using the __() function call. This function is directly available in the Pluf.php file.
The Pluf_L10n class is used to load the localization strings in memory in the $GLOBALS['_PX_locale'] array. All the strings are stored in utf-8 as all the applications created with the Plume Framework must use the utf-8 encoding. The Pluf locale files are in the Pluf/locale/ folder.
The locale files can be optimized and an optimized version of the files stored in the Pluf temp folder. The temp folder is defined in the global configuration as 'tmp_folder'.
2 letter ISO codes from http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/iso639a.html
getAcceptedLanguage( $available, $accepted = '') : string
Return the "best" accepted language from the list of available languages.
Use $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] if the accepted language is empty
$available | ||
$accepted |
Language 2 letter iso code, default is 'en'