Pluf |
CMS_Content_Manager | Manages orders in different states and handles events on orders. |
Marketplace_Spa_Manager | Manages lifecycle of an SPA |
Marketplace_Template_Manager | Manages lifecycle of an Template |
OAuth2_Engines | Default view |
Pluf_Middleware | Pluf general middleware |
Shop_Order_Manager | Manages orders in different states and handles events on orders. |
Tenant_SPA_Manager | Manages lifecycle of an SPA |
User_Notify_Engine | Notification engine |
Assort_Category | Sort of Active Record Class |
Assort_Exception_ObjectNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک شئ |
Assort_Tag | Sort of Active Record Class |
Assort_Views_Tag | |
Bank_Backend | Sort of Active Record Class |
Bank_Engine | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Bank_Engine_BitPay | PayPall Engine |
Bank_Engine_Mellat | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Bank_Engine_MyRestDriver | |
Bank_Engine_PayIr | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Bank_Engine_PayPall | PayPall Engine |
Bank_Engine_Zarinpal | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Bank_Exception | Pluf root exception type |
Bank_Exception_EngineLoad | Pluf root exception type |
Bank_Exception_EngineNotFound | Pluf root exception type |
Bank_Form_BackendNew | فرم کلی ایجاد یک متور پرداخت جدید |
Bank_Form_BackendUpdate | Pluf form |
Bank_Form_ReceiptNew | Pluf form |
Bank_Monitor | Monitors of bank module |
Bank_Precondition | پیش شرطهای استاندارد سیستم پرداخت را تعیین میکند |
Bank_Receipt | ساختارهای دادهای برای رسید را ایجاد میکند. |
Bank_Service | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Bank_Transfer | Defines a wallet transfer to transfer credit from one wallet to another wallet. |
Bank_Views_Backend | Basic Pluf fices |
Bank_Views_Engine | |
Bank_Views_Main | |
Bank_Views_Receipt | |
Bank_Views_Transfer | Basic Pluf fices |
Bank_Views_Wallet | Basic Pluf fices |
Bank_Wallet | Defines a wallet to store credit. |
Book_Book | ساختار دادهای یک کتاب ویکی را تعیین میکند. |
Book_Exception_BookNotFound | خطای یافت نشدن یک کتاب |
Book_Exception_PageNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک صفحه از ویکی |
Book_Form_BookCreate | ایجاد یک صفحه ویکی جدید |
Book_Form_BookUpdate | ایجاد یک صفحه ویکی جدید |
Book_Form_PageCreate | ایجاد یک صفحه ویکی جدید |
Book_Form_PageDelete | یک صفحه را حذف میکند. |
Book_Form_PageUpdate | به روز کردن یک صفحه از سند |
Book_Page | ساختار دادهای یک خانه را تعیین میکند. |
Book_Precondition | پیش شرطها کار با ویکی را ایجاد میکند. |
Book_Views | لایه نمایش کتابها را ایجاد میکند. |
Book_Views_Page | |
Captcha_Exception_EngineNotFound | Engine not found exception |
CMS_Content | Content data model |
CMS_Content_Manager_Abstract | Abstract Order manager |
CMS_Content_Manager_Editoral | Editoral Content manager |
CMS_ContentHistory | Defines structure of the history of the actions on a cms-content |
CMS_ContentMeta | Content data model |
CMS_Exception_ObjectNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک شئ |
CMS_Form_ContentCreate | ایجاد یک محتوای جدید |
CMS_Form_ContentUpdate | به روزرسانی یک محتوا |
CMS_Form_PageCreate | ایجاد یک صفحه جدید |
CMS_Form_PageUpdate | به روزرسانی یک صفحه |
CMS_Monitor | |
CMS_Precondition | Content management system conditions. |
CMS_Term | Holds the basic information about single term. |
CMS_TermMeta | Meta data for Terms |
CMS_TermTaxonomy | TermTaxonomy data model. |
CMS_Views | Content model |
CMS_Views_ContentHistory | Basic Pluf fices |
CMS_Views_ContentMember | A member of document |
CMS_Views_Term | Basic Pluf fices |
CMS_Views_TermTaxonomy | Basic Pluf fices |
Collection_Attribute | Sort of Active Record Class |
Collection_Collection | Sort of Active Record Class |
Collection_Document | Sort of Active Record Class |
Collection_Service | |
Collection_Views_Attribute | |
Collection_Views_Collection | |
Collection_Views_Document | Document views |
Discount_Discount | Sort of Active Record Class |
Discount_Engine | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Discount_Engine_PublicPercent | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Discount_Engine_SpecialPercent | سرویس پرداختها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Discount_Exception_EngineLoad | Pluf root exception type |
Discount_Exception_EngineNotFound | Pluf root exception type |
Discount_Exception_InvalidDiscount | خطای تخفیف نامعتبر |
Discount_Exception_ObjectNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک شئ |
Discount_Service | سرویس تخفیفها را برای ماژولهای داخلی سیستم ایجاد می کند. |
Discount_Views_Discount | |
Discount_Views_Engine | |
DM_Asset | Sort of Active Record Class |
DM_Exception_ObjectNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک شئ |
DM_Form_AssetCreate | ایجاد یک دارایی جدید |
DM_Form_AssetUpdate | به روزرسانی یک دارایی |
DM_Form_LinkCreate | ایجاد یک لینک امن جدید |
DM_Form_PlanCreate | ایجاد یک پلن جدید |
DM_Form_PlanTemplateCreate | ایجاد یک قالب پلن جدید |
DM_Form_PlanTemplateUpdate | به روزرسانی یک قالب پلن |
DM_Form_PlanUpdate | به روزرسانی یک پلن |
DM_Link | Sort of Active Record Class |
DM_Monitor | |
DM_Plan | Sort of Active Record Class |
DM_PlanTemplate | Sort of Active Record Class |
DM_Views_Asset | |
DM_Views_Link | |
DM_Views_Plan | |
DM_Views_PlanTemplate | |
ELearn_Comment | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Course | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Domain | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Form_PartCreate | ایجاد یک محتوای جدید |
ELearn_Form_PartUpdate | به روزرسانی یک محتوا |
ELearn_Grade | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Lesson | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Part | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_PartHistory | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Searcher | نمایش، فیلتر و جستجو در فهرستی از مدلهای داده |
ELearn_Topic | Sort of Active Record Class |
ELearn_Views | |
ELearn_Views_Course | |
ELearn_Views_Lesson | |
ELearn_Views_Part | |
ELearn_Views_Topic | |
ELearn_Vote | Sort of Active Record Class |
Exchange_Admission | مدل دادهای برای حواله ارزی |
Exchange_Advertisement | Sort of Active Record Class |
Exchange_Comment | Sort of Active Record Class |
Exchange_CurrencyRate | مدل دادهای به عنوان مرجع برای نرخ تبدیل ارزها |
Exchange_Day | مدل دادهای برای یک روز تقویمی |
Exchange_Draft | مدل دادهای برای حواله ارزی |
Exchange_Form_CommentCreate | Dynamic form validation class. |
Exchange_Form_CommentUpdate | Dynamic form validation class. |
Exchange_Offer | Sort of Active Record Class |
Exchange_OfferHistory | ساختار تراکنش انجام شده روی تقاضاها را تعیین میکند. |
Exchange_OfferMetadata | Sort of Active Record Class |
Exchange_Precondition | Defines preconditions to work with Exchange entities |
Exchange_Views_Advertisement | |
Exchange_Views_Comment | Basic Pluf fices |
Exchange_Views_Offer | |
Geo_DB_Field_Geometry | Geometry value |
Geo_DB_Field_Point | فیلد مکان را تعیین میکند |
Geo_DB_Field_Polygon | Polygon value |
Geo_Form_Field_Geometry | Geometry value |
Geo_Form_Field_Point | Default form field. |
Geo_Form_Field_Polygon | Polygon value |
Geo_Form_Location | فرم به روز رسانی اطلاعات کاربر را ایجاد میکند. |
Geo_Form_LocationUpdate | فرم به روز رسانی اطلاعات کاربر را ایجاد میکند. |
Geo_Form_Tag | فرم به روز رسانی اطلاعات کاربر را ایجاد میکند. |
Geo_Form_TagCreate | فرم به روز رسانی اطلاعات کاربر را ایجاد میکند. |
Geo_Form_TagUpdate | فرم به روز رسانی اطلاعات کاربر را ایجاد میکند. |
Geo_Form_Vote | فرم به روز رسانی یک رای |
Geo_Geometry | ساختار دادهای یک مکان را تعیین میکند. |
Geo_Point | ساختار دادهای یک مکان را تعیین میکند. |
Geo_Polygon | ساختار دادهای یک مکان را تعیین میکند. |
Geo_SearchStatistic | Sort of Active Record Class |
Geo_Tag | ساختار دادهای یک مکان را تعیین میکند. |
Geo_Views_Location | لایه نمایش برای دستری به مکانها را ایجاد میکند |
Geo_Views_LocationBulky | لایه نمایش برای دستری به مکانها را ایجاد میکند |
Geo_Views_LocationTag | لایه نمایش برای دستکاری تگهای مکان |
Geo_Views_LocationVote | لایه نمایش برای دستکاری تگهای مکان |
Geo_Views_Tag | |
Geo_Views_TagBulky | |
GeoIP | |
Group_Views_Role | Manages roles of a group. |
Group_Views_User | Manages users of a group. |
Mall_Agency | ساختار دادهای شعب یک فروشگاه را تعیین میکند. |
Mall_Product | Sort of Active Record Class |
Mall_Service | Sort of Active Record Class |
Marketplace_Spa | An SPA data model in market place |
Marketplace_Spa_Manager_Simple | Simple SPA management |
Marketplace_Template | Template is a page, theme, etc. |
Marketplace_Template_Manager_Simple | Simple Template management |
Marketplace_Views_Spa | Manages spas |
Marketplace_Views_Temlate | Manages spas |
Message_Monitor | |
Message_Security | متدهایی را برای بررسی شرطهای امنیتی کار با دیجیدکی فراهم میکند. |
Message_Views | لایه دسترسی به پیامها |
Module_ComposerAPI | |
Module_Description | Installed module descriptions |
Module_Views | |
Monitor_Metric | Monitor |
Monitor_Tag | Monitor tag |
Monitor_Views_Abstract | |
Monitor_Views_Metric | |
Monitor_Views_Tag | |
Newspaper_Exception_FollowerNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک دنبالکننده |
Newspaper_Follower | ساختار دادهای یک دنبالکننده را تعیین میکند. |
Newspaper_Form_FollowerCreate | ایجاد یک دنبالکننده جدید |
Newspaper_Form_FollowerUpdate | به روزرسانی یک دنبالکننده |
Newspaper_Util | |
Newspaper_Views_Follower | |
Notifier_Engine | Defines a general notifier engine. Different notifier engines should impelement this class. |
Notifier_Engine_GamaSmsIr | Defines a general notifier engine. Different notifier engines should impelement this class. |
Notifier_Engine_NoNotify | Defines a general notifier engine. Different notifier engines should impelement this class. |
Notifier_Engine_SmsIr | Defines a general notifier engine. Different notifier engines should impelement this class. |
Notifier_Exception_EngineLoad | Pluf root exception type |
Notifier_Exception_EngineNotFound | Pluf root exception type |
Notifier_Exception_NotificationFailed | Pluf root exception type |
Notifier_Exception_NotificationGenerate | Pluf root exception type |
Notifier_Exception_NotificationSend | Pluf root exception type |
Notifier_Service | |
OAuth2_Connection | Content data model |
OAuth2_Engines_Facebook | Default view |
OAuth2_Engines_Fake | Default view |
OAuth2_Engines_Github | Default view |
OAuth2_Engines_Goolge | Default view |
OAuth2_Engines_Instagram | Default view |
OAuth2_Engines_Linkedin | Default view |
OAuth2_Server | Content data model |
Pluf | The main class of the framework. |
Pluf | The main class of the framework. |
Pluf_Assert | بررسی حالتها |
Pluf_Auth_LdapBackend | Backend to authenticate against a LDAP server. |
Pluf_Cache | کلاس کلی کش کردن |
Pluf_Cache_Apc | APC cache |
Pluf_Cache_File | A file based cache |
Pluf_Cache_Memcached | Cache in memory |
Pluf_Crypt | یک کلاس ساده برای کارهای رمزنگاری |
Pluf_Date | کلاسی کاربردی برای کار با تاریخ |
Pluf_DB | مدیریت پایگاه داده سیستم |
Pluf_DB_Field | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Boolean | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Compressed | This field will automatically inflate/deflate its content. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Date | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Datetime | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Email | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_File | Defines a file in the DB |
Pluf_DB_Field_Float | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Foreignkey | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Geometry | Geometry value |
Pluf_DB_Field_Integer | نوع داده صحیح را تعیین میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Manytomany | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Password | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Sequence | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Serialized | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Slug | This field will automatically slugify its content. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Text | فیلد پیش فرض برای پایگاه داده را تعریف میکند. |
Pluf_DB_Field_Varchar | String data type |
Pluf_DB_Introspect | |
Pluf_DB_Introspect_MySQL | |
Pluf_DB_Introspect_PostgreSQL | |
Pluf_DB_MySQL | MySQL connection |
Pluf_DB_PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL connection class |
Pluf_DB_Schema | Create the schema of a given Pluf_Model for a given database. |
Pluf_DB_Schema_MySQL | Generator of the schemas corresponding to a given model. |
Pluf_DB_Schema_PostgreSQL | Generator of the schemas corresponding to a given model. |
Pluf_DB_Schema_SQLite | Generator of the schemas corresponding to a given model. |
Pluf_DB_SchemaInfo | Sort of Active Record Class |
Pluf_DB_SQLite | SQLite connection class |
Pluf_Dispatcher | Dispather of pluf |
Pluf_Encoder | Validators are functions used to validate user/program input. |
Pluf_Exception_BadRequest | خطای فرم |
Pluf_Exception_DoesNotExist | Default not found exception |
Pluf_Exception_Forbidden | عدم مجوز دسترسی به منابع |
Pluf_Exception_Form | خطای فرم |
Pluf_Exception_GetMethodSuported | متد GET حمایت نمیشود. |
Pluf_Exception_MismatchParameter | عدم مجوز دسترسی به منابع |
Pluf_Exception_NotImplemented | عدم پیاده سازی فراخوانی در سیستم را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Exception_PermissionDenied | عدم مجوز دسترسی به منابع |
Pluf_Exception_PostMethodSuported | متد GET حمایت نمیشود. |
Pluf_Exception_SettingError | Pluf root exception type |
Pluf_Exception_Unauthorized | عدم مجوز دسترسی به منابع |
Pluf_FileUtil | File utilities. |
Pluf_Form | Pluf form |
Pluf_Form_BoundField | A class to store field, widget and data. |
Pluf_Form_Field | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Boolean | Boolean field |
Pluf_Form_Field_Date | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Datetime | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Email | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_File | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Float | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Geometry | Geometry value |
Pluf_Form_Field_Integer | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_ReCaptcha | Add ReCaptcha control to your forms. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Slug | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Url | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_Field_Varchar | Default form field. |
Pluf_Form_FieldProxy | Field proxy to access a form field through {$form.f.fieldname} in a template. |
Pluf_Form_Invalid | خطای معادل با نامعتبر بودن یک فرم |
Pluf_Form_Model | Dynamic form validation class. |
Pluf_Form_ModelBinaryCreate | Creats a binary model |
Pluf_Form_ModelBinaryUpdate | updates a binary model |
Pluf_Form_UpdateModel | Dynamic form validation class to update a model data. |
Pluf_Form_Widget | Base class to display a form field. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_CheckboxInput | Simple checkbox. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_DatetimeInput | Simple input of type datetime. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_FileInput | Simple input of type file. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_HiddenInput | Simple input of type text. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_Input | Base class for all the input widgets. (Except radio and checkbox). |
Pluf_Form_Widget_PasswordInput | Simple input of type text. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_ReCaptcha | reCAPTCHA input for your forms. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_SelectInput | Simple checkbox with grouping. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_SelectMultipleInput | Simple checkbox. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_SelectMultipleInput_Checkbox | Simple checkbox. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_TextareaInput | Textarea. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_TextInput | Simple input of type text. |
Pluf_Form_Widget_TinyMCEInput | Textarea with TinyMCE addition. |
Pluf_Graphql | Render a result based on GraphQl |
Pluf_Graphql_Compiler | Create a compilre render |
Pluf_HTTP | Some basic HTTP management tools |
Pluf_HTTP_Error403 | ساختار خطای کلی کاربر را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_HTTP_Error404 | ساختار خطای کلی کاربر را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_HTTP_Error500 | خطای داخلی سیستم را به صورت کلی تعیین میکند |
Pluf_HTTP_Response | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_CommandPassThru | Special response object to output the return value of a command. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_File | Render file as response |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_Forbidden | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_Json | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_NotAvailable | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_NotFound | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_PlainText | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_Redirect | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_RedirectToLogin | Can be used as a response to return when a user must be logged to access a page. |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_ResumableFile | TODO: maso, 1395: document |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_ServerError | Error response |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_ServerErrorDebug | Error response |
Pluf_Image | Image object to wrap some simple convertion operations. |
Pluf_Image_Thumbnail | Generate the thumbnail of an image. |
Pluf_L10n | Localization class. |
Pluf_L10n_Tag | Template tag to display the country/language from the code. |
Pluf_Log | Pluf Logger |
Pluf_Mail | Generate and send multipart emails. |
Pluf_Mail_Batch | Generate and send multipart emails in batch mode. |
Pluf_Model | Sort of Active Record Class |
Pluf_Model_Set | Allow to iterate over an array of standard classes with 'model_class' and 'model_id' properties set. |
Pluf_ModelBinary | Binary model |
Pluf_ModelUtils | |
Pluf_Paginator | Model pagination |
Pluf_Paginator_Builder | Model pagination builder |
Pluf_Precondition | Global system preconditions |
Pluf_Queue | Simple queue system to delay the processing of tasks. |
Pluf_Queue_Processor | Class to process a Pluf_Queue. |
Pluf_Search | Class implementing a small search engine. |
Pluf_Search_Occ | Storage of the occurence of the words. |
Pluf_Search_ResultSet | ResultSet class to iterate over a search result. |
Pluf_Search_Stats | Keep track of when a document has been last indexed and the number of indexations. |
Pluf_Search_Word | Storage of the words. |
Pluf_Service | Basics of Pluf services. |
Pluf_Session | ساختار دادهای یک نشست را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Sign | Module to easily and possibly securily sign strings. |
Pluf_Signal | Signal system. |
Pluf_SQL | Generate the WHERE SQL clause in an easy and SQL proof way. |
Pluf_Template | Render a template file. |
Pluf_Template_Compiler | Class to compile a template file into the corresponding PHP script to be run by the Template class. |
Pluf_Template_Context | دادههای مورد نیاز در الگو را نگهداری میکند. |
Pluf_Template_Context_Request | Class storing the data that are then used in the template. |
Pluf_Template_ContextVars | Special array where the keyed indexes can be accessed as properties. |
Pluf_Template_SafeString | A string already escaped to display in a template. |
Pluf_Template_Tag | ساختارهای کلی تعریف یک برچسب را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Template_Tag_APerm | Assign a permission to a template variable. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Cfg | دسترسی به تنظیمان نرمافزار |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Cycle | Template tag <code>cycle</code>. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Firstof | Template tag <code>firstof</code>. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_MediaUrl | ساختارهای کلی تعریف یک برچسب را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Messages | Display the messages for the current user. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Mytag | Custom tag example. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Now | Template tag <code>now</code>. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Regroup | Template tag <code>regroup</code>. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_RmediaUrl | ساختارهای کلی تعریف یک برچسب را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Rurl | Assign the url to a template variable. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Tenant | Display a tenant attribute. |
Pluf_Template_Tag_Url | ساختارهای کلی تعریف یک برچسب را تعیین میکند |
Pluf_Text | Utility class to clean/manipulate strings. |
Pluf_Text_HTML_Filter | A PHP HTML filtering library |
Pluf_Text_Lang | Detect the language of a text. |
Pluf_Text_UTF8 | UTF8 helper functions |
Pluf_Translation | Translation utility. |
Pluf_Translation_Generator | Extract all the strings from the template folders and create 'template'.php files with the strings to be translated. |
Pluf_Translation_TemplateExtractor | Class to extract the translation strings from the template. |
Pluf_Utils | ابزارها و متدهای پرکاربرد |
Pluf_Views | Basic Pluf fices |
PlufErrorHandlerException | Exception to catch the PHP errors. |
RestLog_AuditLog | Sort of Active Record Class |
RestLog_Middleware_Audit | RestLog middleware |
RestLog_Monitor | |
RestLog_RestCount | Sort of Active Record Class |
Role_Views | Manages roles |
Role_Views_Group | Manages groups of a role. |
Role_Views_User | Manages users of a role. |
SDP_Asset | Determines an asset. The content of the asset may be stored on the local storage or on a remote storage. |
SDP_AssetRelation | ارتباط بین دو SDP_Asset را تعریف میکند. در یک ارتباط بین دو دارایی موارد زیر باید تعریف شوند: - type: نوع ارتباط. مثلا یک دارایی خلاصه دارایی دیگر است. یا یک دارایی نسخه قبلی دارایی دیگر است. |
SDP_Category | Sort of Active Record Class |
SDP_Constants | |
SDP_Drive | Remote or local drives to store content of asstes |
SDP_Driver | Determines the service to create links to upload to/download from a drive |
SDP_Driver_Cactus | Determines the service to create links to upload to/download from a drive |
SDP_Driver_Local | Determines the service to create links to upload to/download from a drive |
SDP_Exception_DriverLoad | Pluf root exception type |
SDP_Exception_DriverNotFound | Pluf root exception type |
SDP_Exception_ObjectNotFound | خطای پیدا نشدن یک شئ |
SDP_Form_AssetCreate | Creates a new asset |
SDP_Form_AssetUpdate | Updates information of an asset |
SDP_Form_DriveNew | This form creates a new drive. |
SDP_Form_DriveUpdate | Pluf form |
SDP_Form_LinkCreate | ایجاد یک لینک امن جدید |
SDP_Link | Sort of Active Record Class |
SDP_Profile | ساختار دادهای پروفایل کاربر را تعیین میکند. |
SDP_Service | A service to create download/upload links internally |
SDP_Tag | Sort of Active Record Class |
SDP_Views_Asset | |
SDP_Views_AssetRelation | AssetRelation views |
SDP_Views_Category | |
SDP_Views_Drive | Basic Pluf fices |
SDP_Views_Driver | |
SDP_Views_Link | |
SDP_Views_Profile | Manage profile information of users. |
SDP_Views_Tag | |
Seo_Backend | Sort of Active Record Class |
Seo_Content | Cached Content data model for SEO usage |
Seo_Engine | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Engine_Fake | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Engine_Global | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Engine_Manual | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Engine_Prerender | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Exception_EngineLoad | Engine load exception |
Seo_Exception_EngineNotFound | Engine not found exception |
Seo_Form_BackendNew | Pluf form |
Seo_Form_BackendUpdate | Pluf form |
Seo_Form_ContentCreate | Creates new Seo_Content |
Seo_Form_ContentUpdate | Updates Seo_Content information |
Seo_Request | Render engine to render pages |
Seo_Service | Global servise of SEO package. |
Seo_SitemapLink | # Properties |
Seo_Views_Backend | |
Seo_Views_Content | Content model |
Seo_Views_Engine | |
Seo_Views_Main | |
Seo_Views_Sitemap | Generate site map |
Seo_Views_Xsl | Basic Pluf fices |
Shop_Address | ساختار دادهای برای ذخیره آدرسها و اطلاعات مکانی. |
Shop_Agency | ساختار دادهای شعب یک فروشگاه را تعیین میکند. |
Shop_Category | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_CategoryMetafield | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Contact | مدل دادهای برای ذخیره انواع اطلاعات تماس مثل آدرس رایانامه، شماره تلفن، شماره همراه و . |
Shop_Delivery | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_DetailedObject | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Form_OrderAttachmentCreate | Dynamic form validation class. |
Shop_Form_OrderAttachmentUpdate | Dynamic form validation class. |
Shop_Form_OrderCreate | ایجاد یک درخواست جدید |
Shop_Monitor_Order | Monitor orders of the system |
Shop_Monitor_OrderItem | Monitor order items |
Shop_Order | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Order_Manager_Abstract | Abstract Order manager |
Shop_Order_Manager_Default | Default Order manager |
Shop_Order_Manager_DigiDoki | DigiDoki Order manager |
Shop_Order_Manager_Shopinak | Shopinak Order manager |
Shop_Order_Manager_Simple | Default Order manager |
Shop_Order_Manager_SimplePreconditions | Default Order manager |
Shop_OrderAttachment | OrderAttachment data model |
Shop_OrderHistory | ساختار تاریخچه عملیات انجام شده روی سفارشات را تعیین میکند. |
Shop_OrderItem | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_OrderItemMetafield | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_OrderMetafield | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Precondition | Shop standard pre-condetions |
Shop_PricedObject | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Product | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_ProductMetafield | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Service | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_ServiceMetafield | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Tag | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_TaxClass | Sort of Active Record Class |
Shop_Views | |
Shop_Views_Address | |
Shop_Views_Agency | |
Shop_Views_Category | |
Shop_Views_CategoryMetafield | Basic Pluf fices |
Shop_Views_Contact | |
Shop_Views_Order | |
Shop_Views_OrderAttachment | Basic Pluf fices |
Shop_Views_OrderHistory | |
Shop_Views_OrderItem | |
Shop_Views_OrderItemMetafield | Basic Pluf fices |
Shop_Views_OrderMetafield | Basic Pluf fices |
Shop_Views_ProductMetafield | |
Shop_Views_ServiceMetafield | |
Shop_Views_Tag | |
Shop_Views_Tax | |
Shop_Views_Zone | |
Shop_Zone | ساختار دادهای مناطق و محدودههای جغرافیایی را تعیین میکند. |
SuperTenant_Comment | Comment data model |
SuperTenant_ConfigService | System level configuration service |
SuperTenant_Configuration | Sort of Active Record Class |
SuperTenant_Invoice | Data model of Invoice |
SuperTenant_Member | Account data model |
SuperTenant_Monitor | |
SuperTenant_SPA | |
SuperTenant_Template_Tag | Display a tenant attribute. |
SuperTenant_Ticket | Ticket data model |
SuperTenant_Views | Main view |
SuperTenant_Views_Configuration | Configurations of Tenant |
SuperTenant_Views_Member | Manage members of tenants (CRUD on members of tenants) |
SuperTenant_Views_Ticket | View to manage Tickets of tenants (super tenant tickets) |
SuperTms_Monitor | |
SuperTms_Project | Sort of Active Record Class |
SuperTms_Shortcuts | |
SuperTms_Test | Test data model |
SuperTms_TestRun | TestRun data model |
Tenant_BankBackend | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_BankReceipt | ساختارهای دادهای برای رسید را ایجاد میکند. |
Tenant_BankService | |
Tenant_Comment | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_Configuration | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_Form_BankReceiptNew | This form is same as Bank_Form_RecieptNew form except that in this form given backend sould blong to main tenant |
Tenant_Form_ResourceUpdate | Update resource |
Tenant_HTTP_Response_RobotsTxt | Defines a http response for robots.txt file. It renders content of robots.txt as response. |
Tenant_HTTP_Response_SpaMain | Response object to be constructed by the views. |
Tenant_Invoice | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_Middleware_ResourceAccess | If the request points to a resource with get, then the resource is returned as response. |
Tenant_Middleware_Verifier | Checks the validation of the tenant. |
Tenant_Monitor | |
Tenant_Owner | Account data model |
Tenant_Resource | Tenant resource date model |
Tenant_Service | Application/Tenant level configuration |
Tenant_Setting | Model of setting |
Tenant_SPA_Manager_Remote | Simple SPA management |
Tenant_SPA_Manager_Simple | Simple SPA management |
Tenant_SpaService | |
Tenant_SubtenantConfiguration | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_Template_Tag_Setting | Display a tenant attribute. |
Tenant_Tenant | A model of a tenant |
Tenant_Ticket | Sort of Active Record Class |
Tenant_Views | لایه نمایش مدیریت گروهها را به صورت پیش فرض ایجاد میکند |
Tenant_Views_BankBackend | Basic Pluf fices |
Tenant_Views_Configuration | Configurations of Tenant |
Tenant_Views_Invoice | Invoices view |
Tenant_Views_Receipt | |
Tenant_Views_Resource | Content model |
Tenant_Views_Setting | Settings special views |
Tenant_Views_Spa | لایه نمایش مدیریت spa ها را به صورت پیش فرض ایجاد میکند |
Tenant_Views_SpaRepository | Basic Pluf fices |
Tenant_Views_SpaStates | Manages an spa with a state machine. |
Tenant_Views_Ticket | Invoices view |
TMS_Activity | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_ActivityComment | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_ActivityLog | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_ActivityOutput | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_ActivityStep | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_DocumentedModel | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_DocumentedModelBinary | Binary model |
TMS_ModelBinary | Binary model |
TMS_PiplineBuilder | |
TMS_Precondition | Defines preconditions to work with TMS entities |
TMS_Project | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_Requirement | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_SampleDbBuilder | |
TMS_Scenario | Binary model |
TMS_ScriptBuilder | |
TMS_Test | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_TestAcceptanceCriterion | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_TestAttachment | Binary model |
TMS_TestComment | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_TestHistory | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_TestRisk | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_TestRun | Binary model |
TMS_TestRunReport | Binary model |
TMS_TestRunTemplate | Test Run Template |
TMS_TestVariable | Sort of Active Record Class |
TMS_Views_Activity | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_ActivityComment | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_ActivityLog | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_ActivityOutput | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_ActivityStep | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_Project | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_Requirement | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_Scenario | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_Test | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestAcceptanceCriterion | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestAttachment | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestComment | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestHistory | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestRisk | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestRun | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestRunReport | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestRunTemplate | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_TestVariable | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_Views_VirtualUser | Basic Pluf fices |
TMS_VirtualUser | Binary model |
User_Account | Account data model |
User_Address | User address data model |
User_Auth_ModelBackend | Backend to authenticate against the User model. |
User_Avatar | ساختار دادهای پروفایل کاربر را تعیین میکند. |
User_Constants | |
User_Credential | Credential data model |
User_Email | User data model |
User_Form_Account | Update user info |
User_Form_Avatar | به روزرسانی یک محتوا |
User_Form_UserChangeEmail | رایانامه یک کاربر را تغییر میدهد |
User_Group | Group |
User_Message | ساختارهای پیام سیستم را ایجاد میکند |
User_Middleware_BasicAuth | Basic Auth middleware |
User_Middleware_Session | User session |
User_Middleware_Space | User space information |
User_Notify | User notification service |
User_Notify_Engine_Mail | Notify engine for mail |
User_Notify_Engine_Message | Notify engine for message |
User_Phone | User phone data model |
User_Precondition | User standard pre-condetions |
User_Profile | User data model |
User_Role | مدل دسترسیها را در سیستم ایجاد میکند. |
User_Space | ساختار دادهای یک فضای کاربری را تعیین میکند |
User_Token | Security token |
User_Verification | Verification data model |
User_Views | Basic Pluf fices |
User_Views_Account | Manage users (CRUD on users account) |
User_Views_Address | Manage addresses of account |
User_Views_Authentication | Provide authentication functionality for users. |
User_Views_Avatar | Manage avatar image of user |
User_Views_Email | Manage emails of account |
User_Views_Group | لایه نمایش مدیریت گروهها را به صورت پیش فرض ایجاد میکند |
User_Views_Mail | لایه نمایش احراز اصالت را ایجاد میکند |
User_Views_Password | Manage avatar image of user |
User_Views_Permission | لایه نمایش مدیریت کاربران را به صورت پیش فرض ایجاد میکند |
User_Views_Phone | Manage phones of account |
User_Views_Profile | Manage profile information of users. |
Verifier_Engine | Defines a general verifier engine. Different verifier engines should impelement this class. |
Verifier_Engine_GamaSmsIr | Defines a general verifier engine. Different verifier engines should impelement this class. |
Verifier_Engine_Manual | Defines a general verifier engine. Different verifier engines should impelement this class. |
Verifier_Engine_NoVerify | Defines a general verifier engine. Different verifier engines should impelement this class. |
Verifier_Engine_SmsIr | Defines a general verifier engine. Different verifier engines should impelement this class. |
Verifier_Exception_EngineLoad | Pluf root exception type |
Verifier_Exception_EngineNotFound | Pluf root exception type |
Verifier_Exception_VerificationFailed | Pluf root exception type |
Verifier_Exception_VerificationGenerate | Pluf root exception type |
Verifier_Exception_VerificationSend | Pluf root exception type |
Verifier_Service |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
_n( $sing, $plur, $n) : string
Translate the plural form of a string.
$sing | ||
$plur | ||
$n |
Translated string.
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Assort_Shortcuts_GetTagByNameOr404(string $name) : \Assort_Tag
Returns Assort_Tag with given name.
Throws an exception (with http code 404) if there is no tag with given name.
string | $name |
if there is no tag with given name.
package |
Default |
Assort_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_ConvertCurrency(\number $amount, string $fromCurrency, string $toCurrency) : \number
Convert given value from given currency and returns the new amount in the $toCurrency if pissible elese throws an exception.
\number | $amount | |
string | $fromCurrency | |
string | $toCurrency |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_GetBankOr404(\number $id) : \Bank_Backend
\number | $id |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type) : \Bank_Engine
یک موتور پرداخت را پیدا میکند.
string | $type |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_GetReceiptOr404(\number $id) : \Bank_Receipt
\number | $id |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_IsCurrenciesCompatible(string $currency1, string $currency2) : boolean
Checks if given currencies are compatible.
Two currencies are compatible if both are same or one is 'IRR' and other is 'IRT'.
string | $currency1 | |
string | $currency2 |
package |
Default |
Bank_Shortcuts_receiptFactory(\Bank_Receipt $object) : \Bank_Receipt
یک نمونه جدید از پرداخت ایجاد میکند
در صورتی که پیش از این نمونهای برای پرداخت ایجاد شده باشد آن را به عنوان نتیجه برمیگرداند.
\Bank_Receipt | $object |
package |
Default |
CMS_Shortcuts_CleanName(string $name) : string
یک نام جدید را بررسی میکند.
نام یک محتوی باید در یک ملک به صورت انحصاری تعیین شود. بنابر این روال بررسی میکند که آیا محتویی هم نام با نام در نظر گرفته شده در ملک وجود دارد یا نه.
این فراخوانی در فرمها کاربرد دارد.
string | $name |
package |
Default |
CMS_Shortcuts_GetNamedContentOr404(string $name) : \ArrayObject
Get content based on name
string | $name |
package |
Default |
CMS_Shortcuts_GetTermBySlugOr404(string $slug) : \CMS_Term
Get term by its slug
string | $slug |
package |
Default |
Collection_Shortcuts_GetCollectionByName(string $name) : \Collection_Collection|NULL
Returns collection with given name and returns null if there is no collection with given name.
string | $name |
package |
Default |
Collection_Shortcuts_GetCollectionByNameOr404(string $name) : \Collection_Collection
Returns collection with given name or throws 404 not found exception if such collection does not exist.
string | $name |
package |
Default |
Collection_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Discount_Shortcuts_GetDiscountByCodeOr404(string $code) : \Discount_Discount
Returns discount with given code or throws exception if such discount does not exist.
string | $code |
package |
Default |
Discount_Shortcuts_GetDiscountByCodeOrNull(string $code) : \Discount_Discount|NULL
Returns discount with given code or null if such discount does not exist.
string | $code |
package |
Default |
Discount_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type) : \Discount_Engine
یک متور پرداخت را پیدا میکند.
string | $type |
package |
Default |
Discount_Shortcuts_GetEngineOrNull(string $type) : \Discount_Engine
string | $type |
package |
Default |
Discount_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
DM_Shortcuts_GetLinkBySecureIdOr404( $secure_id)
$secure_id |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
ELearn_Shortcuts_CleanName(string $name) : string
یک نام جدید را بررسی میکند.
نام یک محتوی باید در یک ملک به صورت انحصاری تعیین شود. بنابر این روال بررسی میکند که آیا محتویی هم نام با نام در نظر گرفته شده در ملک وجود دارد یا نه.
این فراخوانی در فرمها کاربرد دارد.
string | $name |
package |
Default |
ELearn_Shortcuts_FindAll(\Pluf_Model $model, array $filter, array $sort) : array
\Pluf_Model | $model | |
array | $filter | |
array | $sort |
package |
Default |
ELearn_Shortcuts_GetPartByNameOr404(string $name) : \ArrayObject
Get content based on name
string | $name |
package |
Default |
ELearn_Shortcuts_GetTopicsByTitle(string $title) : \ArrayObject
string | $title |
of items or through an exception if database failure
package |
Default |
ELearn_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Exchange_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Geo_DB_GeometryFromDb(\unknown $val) : string
\unknown | $val |
package |
Default |
Geo_DB_GeometryToDb(\unknown $val, \unknown $db) : string
Convert text to geometry
\unknown | $val | |
\unknown | $db |
package |
Default |
Geo_DB_PointToDb(\unknown $val, \unknown $db) : string
\unknown | $val | |
\unknown | $db |
package |
Default |
Geo_DB_PolygonToDb(\unknown $val, \unknown $db) : string
Convert text to geometry
\unknown | $val | |
\unknown | $db |
package |
Default |
Geo_Shortcuts_GetLocationOr404(\unknown $id)
\unknown | $id |
package |
Default |
Geo_Shortcuts_locationBound(\unknown $request, \unknown $lat, \unknown $long, \unknown $meters = 1000) : \number
بیشترین و کمترین مقدار در نقاط جستجو را تعیین میکند.
\unknown | $request | |
\unknown | $lat | |
\unknown | $long | |
\unknown | $meters |
package |
Default |
Geo_Shortcuts_locationCount(\unknown $request) : \number
بر اساس سطح دسترسی کاربر تعداد مکانهای قابل دسترسی را تعیین میکند.
\unknown | $request |
package |
Default |
Geo_Shortcuts_locationFactory(\unknown $object) : \User
مدل دادهای مکان را ایجاد میکند.
\unknown | $object |
package |
Default |
Geo_Shortcuts_locationRadios(\unknown $request, \number $radius = 1000)
محدوده جستجو را تعیین میکند.
\unknown | $request | |
\number | $radius |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
GeoIP_countryOfRequest( $request, $geoipdb) : string
Return the 2 character code of the country given the request object.
$request | ||
$geoipdb |
2 character ISO code
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Marketplace_Shortcuts_GetSpaOr404ByName(String $name) : \Marketplace_Spa
Get Spa
String | $name |
package |
Default |
Marketplace_Shortcuts_SpaManager(\Marketplace_Spa $spa) : \Marketplace_Spa_Manager_Simple
\Marketplace_Spa | $spa |
package |
Default |
Marketplace_Shortcuts_SpaUpdate(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request, \Marketplace_Spa $spa)
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request | |
\Marketplace_Spa | $spa |
package |
Default |
Marketplace_Template_Shortcuts_update(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request, $template)
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request | |
$template |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Monitor_Shortcuts_convertMetricToPrometheusLabel( $bean)
Creates bean property label
$bean |
package |
Default |
Monitor_Shortcuts_convertMetricToResponse( $request, $match, $metric)
$request | ||
$match | ||
$metric |
package |
Default |
Monitor_Shortcuts_convertPageOfMetricsToResponse( $request, $match, $page)
Converts page to response
$request | ||
$match | ||
$page |
package |
Default |
Monitor_Shortcuts_isPrometheusRequest( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Newspaper_Shortcuts_GetFollowerListCount( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Newspaper_Shortcuts_GetFollowerOr404( $id) : \Newspaper_Follower
دنبالکننده تعیین شده با شناسه را پیدا میکند.
در صورتی که دنبالکننده پیدا نشود خطا ۴۰۴ به عنوان نتیجه تولید و منتشر خواهد شد.
$id |
دنبالکنندهای که پیدا شده است.
package |
Default |
Notifier_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type) : \Notifier_Engine
Finds a notification engine
string | $type |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Date_Compare( $date1, $date2 = null) : integer
مقایسه دو تاریخ با یکدیگر
Compare two date and returns the number of seconds between the first and the second. If only the date is given without time, the end of the day is used (23:59:59).
$date1 | ||
$date2 |
Number of seconds between the two dates. Negative value if the second date is before the first.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Date_Easy( $date, $ref = null, $blocks = 2, $notime = 'now', $show = true) : string
نمایش تاریخ به فرمت دلخواه
Display a date in the format: X days Y hours ago X hours Y minutes ago X hours Y minutes left
"resolution" is year, month, day, hour, minute.
If not time is given, only the day, the end of the day is used: 23:59:59.
$date | ||
$ref | ||
$blocks | ||
$notime | ||
$show |
Formatted date
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_defaultTypecast() : array
Returns an array of default typecast and quoting for the database ORM.
Foreach field type you need to provide an array with 2 functions, the from_db, the to_db.
$value = from_db($value); $escaped_value = to_db($value, $dbobject);
$escaped_value is ready to be put in the SQL, that is if this is a string, the value is quoted and escaped for example with SQLite: 'my string'' is escaped' or with MySQL 'my string\' is escaped' the starting ' and ending ' are included!
Default typecast.
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_Field_File_Path( $field, $method, $model, $args = null)
Returns the path to access the file.
$field | ||
$method | ||
$model | ||
$args |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_Field_File_Url( $field, $method, $model, $args = null)
Returns the url to access the file.
$field | ||
$method | ||
$model | ||
$args |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_GeometryFromDb(Object $val) : string
Object | $val |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_GeometryToDb(\unknown $val, \unknown $db) : string
Convert text to geometry
\unknown | $val | |
\unknown | $db |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_getConnection( $extra = null)
Get the default DB connection.
The default database connection is defined in the configuration file through the following configuration variables:
Once the first connection is created the following calls to Pluf::db() are getting the same connection.
$extra |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_IdentityFromDb( $val) : mixed
Identity function.
$val |
package |
Default |
params |
mixed Value |
Pluf_DB_IdentityToDb( $val, $db) : string
Identity function.
$val | ||
$db |
Ready to use for SQL.
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Pluf_DB_PostgreSQL_CompressedToDb( $val, $con)
$val | ||
$con |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Pluf_esc( $string) : string
Shortcut needed all over the place.
Note that in some cases, we need to escape strings not in UTF-8, so this is not possible to safely use a call to htmlspecialchars. This is why str_replace is used.
$string |
HTML escaped string
package |
Default |
Pluf_Form_Field_File_moveToUploadFolder( $value, $params = array()) : string
Default move function. The file name is sanitized.
In the extra parameters, options can be used so that this function is matching most of the needs:
'upload_path': The path in which the uploaded file will be stored.
'upload_path_create': If set to true, try to create the upload path if not existing.
'upload_overwrite': Set it to true if you want to allow overwritting.
'file_name': Force the file name to this name and do not use the original file name. If this name contains '%s' for example 'myid-%s', '%s' will be replaced by the original filename. This can be used when for example, you want to prefix with the id of an article all the files attached to this article.
If you combine those options, you can dynamically generate the path name in your form (for example date base) and let this upload function create it on demand.
$value | ||
$params |
Name relative to the upload path.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Form_Widget_Attrs( $attrs)
Convert an array in a string ready to use for HTML attributes.
As all the widget will extend the Pluf_Form_Widget class, it means that this function is available directly in the extended class.
$attrs |
package |
Default |
Pluf_HTTP_handleMagicQuotes( $value)
Break magic_quotes
$value |
package |
Default |
credit |
Olivier Meunier |
package |
Default |
credit |
Olivier Meunier |
Pluf_HTTP_Response_ServerErrorDebug_Pretty( $e)
$e |
package |
Default |
credits | |
Pluf_Log_assert( $file, $line, $code)
Assertion handler.
$file | ||
$line | ||
$code |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Model_InArray( $model, $array) : boolean
Check if a model is already in an array of models.
It is not possible to override the == function in PHP to directly use in_array.
$model | ||
$array |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Model_RemoveDuplicates( $array) : array
Return a list of unique models.
$array |
Models with duplicates.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_folderSize(string $dir) : \number
Compute folder size
string | $dir |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetAssociationTableName(string $modelName1, string $modelName2) : string
Returns association table name (without prefix) for given models.
string | $modelName1 | name of model (of type Pluf_Model) |
string | $modelName2 | name of model (of type Pluf_Model) |
name of association table for given modeles.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetForeignKeyName(string $modelName) : string
Returns column name for given model as foreign key in an association table.
string | $modelName | name of model (of type Pluf_Model) |
column name for given model as foreign key in an association table.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForModel( $model, $data = null, $extra = array(), $label_suffix = null) : \Pluf_Form_Model
Get a given form from a model.
$model | ||
$data | ||
$extra | ||
$label_suffix |
Form for this model.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetFormForUpdateModel( $model, $data = null, $extra = array(), $label_suffix = null) : Object
Get a given form from a model to update.
$model | ||
$data | ||
$extra | ||
$label_suffix |
Form to update for this model.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetListCount(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request) : \number
Returns list count for given request.
If count is not set in request or count is more than a threshold (50) returns a default value (50).
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetObjectOr404( $object, $id) : \Pluf_Model
Get an object by id or raise a 404 error.
$object | ||
$id |
The found object.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetOneOr404( $object, $bsql, $psql) : Object
Get an object by SQL or raise a 404 error.
$obj = Pluf_Shortcuts_GetOneOr404('MyApp_Model', 'path=%s AND status=%s', array('welcome', 1));
$object | ||
$bsql | ||
$psql |
The found object
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetRequestParam( $request, $id)
$request | ||
$id |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_GetRequestParamOr403( $request, $id)
$request | ||
$id |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Shortcuts_RenderToResponse( $tplfile, $params, $request = null) : \Pluf_HTTP_Response
Render a template file and an array as a reponse.
If a none null request object is given, the context used will automatically be a Pluf_Template_Context_Request context and thus the context will be populated using the 'template_context_processors' functions.
$tplfile | ||
$params | ||
$request |
The response with the rendered template
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_dateAgo( $date, $f = 'withal')
Display the date in a "6 days, 23 hours ago" style.
$date | ||
$f |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_dateFormat(string $date, string $format = '%b %e, %Y') : string
Modifier plugin: Convert the date from GMT to local and format it.
This is used as all the datetime are stored in GMT in the database.
string | $date | input date string considered GMT |
string | $format | strftime format for output ('%b %e, %Y') |
date in localtime
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_first(array $array) : mixed
Returns the first item in the given array.
array | $array |
An empty string if $array is not an array.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_htmlspecialchars( $string) : string
Special htmlspecialchars that can handle the objects.
$string |
String like if htmlspecialchars was not applied
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_last(array $array) : mixed
Returns the last item in the given array.
array | $array |
An empty string if $array is not an array.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_nl2br( $mixed) : string
New line to <br /> returning a safe string.
$mixed |
Safe to display in HTML.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_safeEcho( $mixed, $echo = true) : string
Special echo function that checks if the string to output is safe or not, if not it is escaped.
$mixed | ||
$echo |
Safe to display in HTML.
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_safeEmail( $email)
Hex encode an email excluding the "mailto:".
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_timeAgo( $date, $f = "withal")
Display the time in a "6 days, 23 hours ago" style.
$date | ||
$f |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_timeFormat(integer $time, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') : string
Modifier plugin: Format a unix time.
Warning: date format is directly to be used, not consideration of GMT or local time.
integer | $time | input date string considered GMT |
string | $format | strftime format for output ('Y-m-d H:i:s') |
formated time
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_unsafe( $string) : string
Set a string to be safe for display.
$string |
package |
Default |
Pluf_Template_varExport( $mixed) : string
Var export returning a safe string.
$mixed |
Safe to display in HTML.
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
PlufErrorHandler( $code, $string, $file, $line)
The function that is the real error handler.
$code | ||
$string | ||
$file | ||
$line |
package |
Default |
SDP_Shortcuts_GetDriverOr404(string $type) : \SDP_Driver
Finds a driver
string | $type |
package |
Default |
SDP_Shortcuts_GetLinkBySecureIdOr404( $secure_id)
$secure_id |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
SDP_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Seo_Shortcuts_CleanUrl(string $url) : string
Checks given URL to be unique and not registered before.
It is used in the forms.
string | $url |
package |
Default |
Seo_Shortcuts_GetBackendOr404(string $id) : \Seo_Backend
Find a backend
string | $id |
package |
Default |
Seo_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type)
Find an engine.
string | $type |
package |
Default |
Seo_Shortcuts_GetSeoContentByUrlOr404( $url) : \ArrayObject
Get content based on name
$url |
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetAssociationTableName(\Pluf_Model $model1, \Pluf_Model $model2) : string
Returns association table name for given 'Pluf_Model's in many-to-many relation.
It does not check if given models have realy many-to-many relation. It returns table name if such relation would be existed.
Returned name is base of rule which Pluf is used to define association tables for two models in a many-to-many relation.
\Pluf_Model | $model1 | |
\Pluf_Model | $model2 |
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetIdColumnName(\Pluf_Model $model) : string
Returns name of field for id of given model in a association table.
Returned name is base of rule which Pluf is used to define columns in a association table for two model in a many-to-many relation.
\Pluf_Model | $model |
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetItemClass(string $itemType) : string
Returns name of class which is related to given item type.
Mapping class names are now as follow:
service => Shop_Service product => Shop_Product
string | $itemType |
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetObjectBySecureIdOr404(string $model, string $secureId) : object
Get an object by secure id or raise a 404 error.
string | $model | class name of object |
string | $secureId | secure id of object |
defined by $model
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetTableName(\Pluf_Model $model) : string
Returns name of table for given model.
Returned name is base of rule which Pluf is used to define name of tables for a model.
\Pluf_Model | $model |
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_GetTagByNameOr404(string $name) : \Shop_Tag
Returns Shop_Tag with given name.
Throws an exception (with http code 404) if there is no tag with given name.
string | $name |
if there is no tag with given name.
package |
Default |
Shop_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
SuperTenant_Shortcuts_CheckTenant(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request, array $match, \Pluf_Model $model) : \Pluf_HTTP_Error404|true
Checks if given model is blong to tenant determined in $request or $match
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request | |
array | $match | |
\Pluf_Model | $model | a model with tenant feild |
true if given model is blong to tenant else throw exception
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
SuperTenant_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
SuperTms_Shortcuts_CheckTenant(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request, array $match, \Pluf_Model $model) : \Pluf_HTTP_Error404|true
Checks if given model is blong to tenant determined in $request or $match
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request | |
array | $match | |
\Pluf_Model | $model | a model with tenant feild |
true if given model is blong to tenant else throw exception
package |
Default |
SuperTms_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Tenant_Shortcuts_GetConfiguration(string $key, $tenantId) : boolean|\Tenant_Configuration
Returns the Tenant_Configuration with given key if exist, else returns false.
string | $key | |
$tenantId |
package |
Default |
package |
Default |
Tenant_Shortcuts_NormalizeItemPerPage( $request)
$request |
package |
Default |
Tenant_Shortcuts_SpaManager(\Tenant_SPA $spa) : \Tenant_SPA_Manager
\Tenant_SPA | $spa |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_CheckPassword(String $pass) : String
بررسی حالت پسورد جدید
String | $pass |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_DeleteAvatar(\User_Account $user) : \Pluf_HTTP_Response_Json
Deletes avatar of given user.
\User_Account | $user |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_GetAvatar(\User_Account $user)
Returns avatar of given user if is existed.
\User_Account | $user |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_GetListCount(\Pluf_HTTP_Request $request) : \number
Returns list count for given request.
If count is not set in request or count is more than a threshold (50) returns a default value (50).
\Pluf_HTTP_Request | $request |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_UpdateAvatar(\User_Account $user, array $data = array()) : \Pluf_HTTP_Response_Json
Sets (updates or creates) avatar for given user
\User_Account | $user | |
array | $data |
package |
Default |
User_Shortcuts_UserDataFactory(\User_Account $object) : \User_Account
مدل دادهای کاربر را ایجاد میکند.
\User_Account | $object |
package |
Default |
Verifier_Shortcuts_GetEngineOr404(string $type) : \Verifier_Engine
Finds a verification engine
string | $type |
package |
Default |